Game Play

Play-By-Email has some vagaries, these rules are an attempt to clear some of that up.


Sometimes losing Email Initiative might be better than winning. (Of course, you could be attacked and die before your action.)

The play by email will include initiative. The senior party leader, Bolt, will either do Initiative each week or pick someone to make the roll. The player will simply write player initiative in the description box. The first roll will be the official roll. (One six sided roll, with one re-roll.)

If no roll is sent to the GM, the party roll becomes a "3". To make up for this apparent inequity, players win all tie rolls.

Sequence of Game Play

Turn creation and the determination of player and monster actions will proceed according to the following sequence to insure consistent game play.

On Monday (or as soon as the GM has time to update the game turn:)

  1. The Gm will log on and retrieve game rolls including Initiative
  2. GM will send "GM Initiative" die roll to the leader of the party of designated receiver of rolls.
    1. The GM will update maps and determine monster movement
    2. GM will state actions and send die rolls
    3. Email of player actions will be collected
    4. Player success or action timeline, for multiple segment actions, will be determined.
    5. Maps will be updated and player movement determined
    1. GM will retrieve player actions by Email
    2. Player movement will be determined and the map will updated by the GM
    3. GM will determine player success or action timeline
    4. GM will state actions and send die rolls
    5. Map will be updated and monster movement determined
  4. Turn actions will be updated
  5. Turn narration will be added
  6. Graffiti, Journals, and other miscellaneous material will be updated
  7. The outgoing turn email will be created and sent; the web page should be updates shortly thereafter.
  • Note: Step 3 may repeat for three segments. For this reason, players should send at least three die of 20 w/one re-roll and multiple rolls of their appropriate damage rolls. Other special rolls may be helpful in determining spell success, thieving capabilities, etc.


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AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons) used to be a trademark of TSR, which held exclusive rights on the material associated with the game.
This PBEM game is an original, copyrighted work. Permission for sale and/or non-private use of this material is neither granted nor implied. We write for fun, and we hope you enjoy these stories.