
Herein lies a brief description for each of the various player characters in this campaign.

Gimar Axewielder

. . . is a Dwarven Fighter from the Lortmills. He has made the town of Northbank his home, and since the end of the Greyhawk Wars has begun to adventure again. He has an interest in finding the rumoured dwarven castle in the mistmarsh, in returning to the Lortmils to visit his family, and in finishing the Temple of Elemental Evil once and for all.

Jaron Yhanovaar

. . . is the Squire to Sir Milos Darovich, Servant of Lord Baron Garrus Ullricht of Keoghland, Steadfast in Service to Pelor the Healer. In briefer words, he is a Paladin. Most recently, his Pelor-blessed sword was very damaging to a certain vampire, now slain. He continues to adventure with his Liege's blessing.


. . . is a Half-Elven rogue, and current member of the Thieves Guild of Greyhawk, where he maintains many contacts. He enjoys adventuring with the Biscuits, and hopes future campaigns will be as rewarding as the current one.

Nicola Machiavelli

. . . is a Human Priest of Pelor. She has been released from her service to the poor in the Free City of Dyvers, and she now adventures with the biscuits to gain experience. Her long term goal is to help restore the lost souls of G'Leina and Hannah, whose bodies reside in her cloister cell in Dyvers. Her short term goal is to wipe out all the denizens of the Temple of Elemental Evil, and if she has to carry out buckets of treasure along the way, so be it.

Enolis Dollindoleribinish

. . . is a Human Druid, and the value of his animal friends has been proven time and again to the party. His quest to rid the forests of the evil menace dovetailed with certain Biscuit quests, and now they have set off to cross the continent together.

Yodavan Taeryohanlarslojan

. . . is a Forst Gnome Priest of Baervan Wildwanderer who dabbles with Magery. He was recommended to the party by his distant cousin Prudence Redstone of Northbank. He is a mischievious figure who is as likely to get the party in trouble as not.