Episode 26
Meeting the Prince

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 4th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 4th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 4th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC)
Locale Descending to the third level of the Temple of Elemental Evil
Date 22nd of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Late Morning

After examining the body and discussing the options, the party decided to move the vampire/blonde first and deal with him next. Nicola cast a bless spell then Little John and Jaron lifted the armored body carefully from the coffin, with Gimar and Rheaphlyndar prepared for most contingencies.

Upon its removal from the coffin, the body became visible, and Gimar lent a hand to support the heavy plate mail. The blonde warrior was laid gently down while Rheaphlyndar went over to study the inside of the coffin.

Nicola Say, he's attractive.
Jaron (examining the surcoat) Definitely Furyondy and Veluna. If I don't mistake my heraldry, this boy was related to the royal family as well. I'm not up on the Furyondian lineage, but he could have been a prince.

Nicola continued to swoon while Rheaphlyndar pulled a shield out of the coffin.

Rheaphlyndar That's all from in there. What do you make of this crest?
Nicola Heironeous!
Jaron It would appear our prince here was a paladin as well.
Gimar Why don't we ask him? He seems to be waking up.

Indeed it was so. The figure on the ground stirred as if in a dream, or perhaps a nightmare. The party prepared for travel until the mysterious paladin at last opened his eyes and spoke.

Paladin Where am I?
Gimar You, sir, are within the Temple of Elemental Evil.
Paladin I've heard that somewhere before. I am sure it will come back to me.
Gimar We are heading back to the surface, if you will accompany us. We had planned, due to the crest on your shield, to return you to the Knights of the Hart.
Paladin Yes, I have heard of them. Why can't I remember?
Nicola Kind sir, you have been unconscious for quite some time. It is likely your memory will return after a short while.
Paladin Gentle lady, you are probably correct. Warrior, or is it, ah, Paladin, please tell me of your quest here.
Jaron I am Jaron Yhanovar, in service to Lord Baron Garrus Ullricht of Keoghland. The dwur warrior is Gimar Axewielder, and our cleric is Nicola Machiavelli of Pelor. Over hear are Wed Booth, Rheaphlyndar, and Little John McClane.
Paladin (nodding) Hail and well met. I am Prince Thrommel, Grand Marshall of Furyondy and Provost of Veluna.
Jaron We quest within the temple to rid these grounds of evil, on the rise again since before the war.
Thrommel War? Has Keoghland gone to war with one of its vassal states, perhaps?
Gimar I believe Sir Jaron is referring to the Greyhawk Wars against Iuz and the Scarlet Brotherhood.
Thrommel My memory is definitely returning, but not of this event. Pray tell, what is the date?
Nicola It is late Fireseek, the Common Year 585.
Thrommel Twelve years . . .

Prince Thrommel was floored by this revelation, and was silent for a bit. At one point he shouted out the word "Fragrach" and a sword appeared from mid-air, flying into his hands. As the party moved upwards through the various staircases, Prince Thrommel asked many questions about recent history. Various party members were able to fill in most of the details.

When the party reached their makeshift camp, Prince Thrommel began to reveal his story as the adventures made ready to travel.

Thrommel It was the Common Year 573, and it was my wedding day. I awoke in the morning to shouts below but before I could stand I was accosted on all sides by figures in red robes. Perhaps they were the "Scarlet Brotherhood" you mentioned earlier, I do not know. I was hit from behind and lost consciousness. At various times in our journey I awoke and was knocked out again. We travelled in a closed wagon of some sort. That is all I can remember.
Gimar A harrowing story to be sure. You mentioned that you had heard of the Temple of Elemental Evil?
Thrommel I fought a battle nearby there, at Emridy Meadows, some four, er, sixteen years ago. The temple itself was sacked by a group of adventurers such as yourselves, and if anything remained behind it was sealed within.
Jaron We have seen those great sealed doors.
Thrommel My advice would be to leave them be, unless you are strong enough to defeat the evil within.
Gimar We are nearly prepared to go, and as a group we have decided to accompany to your destination.
Thrommel Very well. We must travel to Chendl at best pace.

With that, the Biscuits set out first for Nulb, then beyond to Hommlet and Verbobonc.

Read the preceding or succeeding episode, or return to the index.

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Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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