Episode 32
Nicola and Wed

The Biscuits Nicola - Cleric 4th Level (PC)
Locale Near the "House of Chance" Casino
Date 21st of Readying, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Late Morning

Upon arrival in Chendl, Nicola went immediately to the Church of Pelor to catch the Godsday twilight service. She then met privately with the chief cleric and made her 10% tithe.

Freed of that obligation, she had spent the next few days shopping. She found many items mundane and mysterious.

While shopping on the first day (Waterday) she managed to replenish her herbalists kit and her travelling pack. Her old iron rations were replaced with Pilac, a grainy paste from the Lordship of the Isles. One of her impulse purchases was an Ipp candle, which the cryers swore would "rid the area of insects" and last until dawn.

While shopping on the second day (Earthday) she found several attractive new sets of clothing and a new set of priestly robes of Pelor. Her best purchase was a new Santolin travelling cloak that was far more comfortable than her old woolen one. The seller swore it would be far more durable than linen. Nicola considered her new outfit clean enough to meet the king, which she figured the Biscuits would do very soon.

Now it was Freeday, and Nicola was wandering about in the Northeastern section of the city. It was her plan to find shops re-selling items that their owners had gotten rid of for quick cash. In that section of the city she had found two large casinos and a police station so far.

Nicola Perhaps around this corner . . .

Standing in front of Nicola was an entire lane of shops, with names such as "Diambeth's Delving Equipment" or "Enchanted Weapons R Us". A large block of shops sold just weapons, and over there were three different shops specializing in magical bags.

Nicola This will take a while.

The Biscuits Wed - Mage 4th Level (NPC)
Locale In the Temple of Delleb, Chendl
Date 21st of Readying, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Morning

Wed This will take a while.

The morning after Wed's arrival was spent checking into the various wizard training schools. The mage's insistence on Advance Illusion Magic narrowed the choices somewhat, but there were still several curriculums to cover.

After choosing "Now You Don't" as his future training school, he spent a little time digging into rumors and other bits of information. Wed loved libraries and musty old books, and he spent much of his time doing so. He also looked into information on Gimar's gnome friends, Nicola's magical mace quest, and Little John's soul quest.

On the evening of the twentieth (Earthday), Wed and Little John were having an early supper at the King's Arms Tavern and discussing their respective progress with Hannah's condition. Wed recieved a beer and a note, which was most curious since it was written in Old Oeridian. Spending a few moments to translate it, he read that much information could be gleaned at the Library Temple, within Chendl's inner city. Wed looked around, but couldn't figure who had overheard the pair and sent him the note.

The next day he sought out the Library Temple, which had been considerably damaged in the war, and asked to see the books of Medical Information. The acolyte Andy led him over to a shelf and indicated that not only this shelf but the next set and the next would contain some of the information he was looking for.

Wed had never seen so many volumes specifically about problems of the body and soul. He asked the acolyte if there were other books as well, but Andy told him that they had been moved south because of the war.

Wed Perhaps I will head south soon. I wonder if they have training there?

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