Episode 40
Wisp Whacking

The Biscuits Dollin - Druid 5th Level (PC)
Locale Just north of Verbobonc
Date 24th day of Planting, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time evening

Dollin travelled from Findon's grove to Chendl in just a few days. King Belvor agreed to see him right away, and listened with great sadness to the tale of his messenger. Then he sent the druid away while he read the message.

Later that day a messenger caught up with Dollin in the market, entreating him to come quickly to the King's chambers. Dollin grabbed a bag of roasted nuts and went along.

King Belvor This message brings me great hope, even though the original messenger perished. I will need of adventurers for this mission, which will help to save my kingdom from the demonic menace. Enolis, I task you with finding those adventurers and bringing them back to Chendl. I will give you a small contingent of my rangers and men at arms, but you must go now.

That was seventeen days ago, and Dollin's squad had nearly caught up with the Biscuits. Tomorrow they would reach Verbobonc, and beyond that the town of Nulb, where Dollin hoped he could hire a guide to take him to this Temple of Elemental Evil.

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 5th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Locale Temple of Elemental Evil
Date 26th day of Planting, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time morning

The party rested for most of an entire day. After retrieving the shovels, many of the party members took turns digging up various sections of the room. Several feet down they found treasure such as brown spinels and a cache of platinum pieces, and magical items as well. The enchanted treasure consisted of a morning star mace, a ring, a rope, a wand contained within a leather case, and three jars of ointment within a brass case.

Gimar I'm pretty sure that is Keoghtom's Ointment.

One of the two closets in the earthen room still contained many different shapes and sizes of rock and piles of dirt, along with a small keg of fuel oil. The other closet was found to contain brown cloaks, sandals, and various sets of pewter plates and cups. In a pocket of one of the cloaks was an ivory bracelet set with a huge carnelion, and in a small cabinet was a bone scroll case.

After thoroughly checking it for traps it was found to contain just one scroll -- Protection from Earth Elementals.

Jaron Sheesh, that figures.

The next morning the Biscuits set out for the fungus room and the wisps beyond. Battle order was set up each time a door was opened, but no wisps appeared.

The statue room was just as the group had left it, and no wisps were to be seen. Per their pre-aranged strategy, Rheaphlyndar nabbed one of the items from the statues, but no wisps appeared. When they came back for a second try, however, the familiar lights zoomed in towards the thief.

Rheaphlyndar Yowee, get me out-a-here!

He ran up the corridor and past Gimar's makeshift wall. He made a quick turn at the fountain and nearly slid into the wall. Two of the four wisps were hot on his tail. At the southern end of the room he turned to the East and shot through the door, which the party members slammed shut behind him. But one of the wisps had slipped through!

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|-8+4|:19: miss
 2 [2] Nicola Magic Missiles :10: 3d4+3 10 to wisp
 6 [1+5] Wed Magic Missiles :19: spell failure
 9 [9] Will-o-Wisp :11-|1|:5: miss
12 [5+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:7: miss
14 [7+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:6: miss
** [**] Jaron Scather :16-|-8+4|:6: miss

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|-8+4|:7: miss
 2 [1+1] Wed Magic Missiles :16: 3d4+3 10 to wisp
 2 [2] Will-o-Wisp :11-|5|:16: 2d8=10 to Nicola
 6 [6] Nicola Magic Missiles :14: 3d4+3 12 to wisp
 8 [1+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:4: miss
 8 [1+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:8: miss
10 [3+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:9: miss
** [**] Jaron Scather :16-|-8+4|:6: miss
The hallway Rheaphlyndar ran into was one that led to some steps down and had not been further explored by the Biscuits. Any questions as to whether it connected back up with the rest of the dungeon were soon answered.

Wed Look, here come two more!

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|-8+4|:20: Critical(14-8) 2x1d6+4=12, slaying wisp
 1 [1] Nicola Magic Missiles :10: 3d4+3 10 to wisp #2
 3 [1+2] Wed Magic Missiles :10: 3d4+3 8 to wisp #2
 6 [6] Will-o-Wisp #2 :11-|5|:6: hit 2d8=11 to Nicola
 6 [6] Will-o-Wisp #3 :11-|6|:16: 2d8=9 to Wed
 9 [2+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:13: miss
10 [3+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:5: miss
** [**] Jaron Scather :16-|-8+4|:13: miss
One of Wed's stray missiles was absorbed by the special ability of Little John's staff, and the Wisps siezed on this fact. They concentrated all their attacks on the warrior and cut their swooping to a minimum. Rheaphlyndar chose an appropriate moment to douse them with the water cannon, which caused a giant spark between them but causing no apparent damage. Wed began to hurriedly flip through his spell book, while Nicola pulled out her magic mace and charged!

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|-8+4|:15: miss
 4 [4] Will-o-Wisp #2 :11-|1|:14: 2d8=9 to Little John
 4 [4] Will-o-Wisp #3 :11-|1|:8: miss
 8 [1+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:18:  1d8+1d2+7=12 to wisp
 9 [4+5] Nicola Mace :18-|-8+2|:16: miss
13 [6+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:6: miss
14 [7+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:10: miss
** [**] Jaron Scather :16-|-8+4|:15: miss

Gimar It's like the dang things are avoiding my blows!
Wed Ah, perhaps they have a limited form of telepathy. Hmmm...

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|-8+4|:15: miss
 2 [2] Will-o-Wisp #3 :11-|1|:15: 2d8=13 to Little John
 6 [6] Will-o-Wisp #2 :11-|1|:5: miss
 8 [3+5] Nicola Mace :18-|-8+2|:6: miss
10 [3+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:17: 1d8+1d2+7=16, slaying wisp #2
11 [4+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:5: miss
11 [6+5] Wed reads Strength Scroll(11) - Jaron
** [**] Jaron Scather :16-|-8+4|:3: miss

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|-8+4|:9: miss
 2 [2] Will-o-Wisp #3 :11-|1|:8: miss
 8 [1+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:10: miss
 9 [2+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:16: miss
13 [8+5] Nicola Mace :18-|-8+2|:13: miss
** [**] Jaron Scather :16-|-8+5|:16: miss

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|-8+4|:13: miss
 2 [2] Will-o-Wisp #3 :11-|1|:5: miss
10 [5+5] Nicola Mace :18-|-8+2|:15: miss
11 [4+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:16: miss
14 [7+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:15: miss
15 [10+5] Wed reads Strength Scroll(13) - Little John
** [**] Jaron Scather :16-|-8+5|:19: 2d4+8=13 to Wisp #3

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|-8+5|:16: miss
 6 [1+5] Nicola Mace :18-|-8+2|:18: miss
 9 [9] Will-o-Wisp #3 :11-|1|:4: miss
10 [3+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:5: miss
11 [4+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:12: miss
** [**] Jaron Scather :16-|-8+5|:10: miss
Wed and Rheaphlyndar fell back and opened the door leading towards the fungus room. With a squint, Rheaphlyndar aimed the water blast that way and the invisible wisp beyond shot sparks into the air. Wed took aim...

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|-8+5|:12: miss
 6 [6] Will-o-Wisp #3 :11-|1|:15: 2d8=10 to Little John
 8 [1+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-8+4|:20: critical(9) 2x1d8+1d2+7=24, slaying wisp #3
 8 [7+1] Wed Magic Missile :4: 3d4+3=11 to Wisp #4
10 [10] Will-o-Wisp #4 :11-|2|:13: 2d8=8 to Rheaphlyndar
** [**] Jaron Scather :16-|-8+5|:19: hit 2d4+8=15 to Wisp #4
The wisp retreated at full speed the way it came, but Nicola was quick on the draw. The purplish light crashed into the floor.

Nicola Now that's how to whack a wisp!
Jaron Excellent use of the Strength scrolls, Wed.
Little John We must see about purchasing more of those.
Gimar I was a little worried to see you opening that door, but I guess it worked out.
Wed It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. I figured those strength spells wouldn't last forever, and I could fire off my last magic missiles.
Rheaphlyndar Hey, it worked for me. Can we go collect the rest of the treasure now?

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Quote: John