Episode 42
The Road to Chendl (Again)

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 6th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Dollin - Druid 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Locale Downriver of Worlende
Date 13th day of Flocktime, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Late Afternoon

The party made ready for the road and a return to Chendl. There was some grumbling about how the "free training" wasn't all that free. All of the old group remembered the driving pace of the last journey from the Temple to Chendl.

This was a different journey entirely, however. Dollin sent the squad of veterans off with some goodberries, then set course for Chendl. The track that he followed seemed to meander and detour more, and yet the party made a better pace than before.

As the group passed through Verbobonc, Gimar dispatched a messenger to Northbank.

Dollin Northbank? Where's that?
Gimar It's a settlement in what are now called the lands of Greyhawk. About a third of the way between Greyhawk and Hardby, along the Ery river.
Dollin Would that put it near the Mistmarsh?
Gimar Oh, no, further west than that. You'd like the town, I suspect. We've got a gnomish mayor.
Dollin Interesting.

Along the way they had few encounters. All the farmers that they passed were busy with their work, with summer just around the corner. The Biscuits also passed a few merchant wagons travelling the same direction, headed for some sort of convocation.

Dollin's route was somewhat northerly, closer to the river, so Gimar wasn't able to check up on the gnomish miners of Claw Gorge. The druid listened with interest to Gimar's story, however.

The previous night the party stayed in Pantarn and attended the late spring trade fair. Rheaphlyndar negotiated a solid price on some magical daggers, and Jaron looked into new armor possibilities. Nicola and Dollin spent some time shopping, discussing herbs and spices.

Now the group was travelling up river, along the banks of the Att. The river was much diminished from the previous journey downstream, as as the mountains spring melting was nearly through. Gimar called the party to a halt as he spied a twenty foot many-legged monstrosity upstream.

Nicola What's that thing?
Gimar Ah, that's a burrowing beasty called an Ankheg.
Wed Looks like it's drinking from the river.
Jaron They're not actually evil.
Dollin Yup, but they're beyond the range of my small animal taming skills. If we just hang back here it will probably finish it's business and move along.

Rheaphlyndar climbed up a nearby tall tree to see if he could spot any others. He noticed the tracks leading back towards the farmland, but no more ankhegs. Suddenly, the earth beneath Gimar's feet erupted as another of the monsters burrowed to the surface. There was a look of surprise on his dwarven face as he was swallowed whole!

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|2+4|:18: hit 1d6+4=8 to Ankheg 8HD
 6 [3-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :15-|2+2|:11: hit 1d12+4=15 to Ankheg 8HD
13 [10-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :15-|2+2|:5: miss
13 [4+9] Ankheg (7 HD) :13-|-2|:6: miss
13 [8+5] Nicola Mace :18-|2+2|:5: miss
15 [6+9] Ankheg (8 HD) :13-|2|:-: 2d4=5 (acid) to Gimar
Another of the monsters came out of the ground, just missing Jaron's armored thigh. Jaron and Nicola turned to the newcomer as the blows of a hand axe could be heard, along with dwarven cursing, from the first one. The first ankheg the group spotted was charging towards the combat, but Wed threw up a wall of fog, causing the creature to detour somewhat. Rheaphlyndar also made his appearance, using his magic armor to glide down for a surprise backstab!

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|1+4|:1: fumble(17) miss
 3 [4-3+2] Rheaphylander Dagger :17-|2+5|:13: hit 3x1d3+1=12 to Ankeg 8HD
 4 [1-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :15-|2+2|:15:  1d12+4=11 to Ankheg 7HD
 5 [1+4] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|4+3|:14: hit 1d4+7=11 to Ankheg 8HD
 9 [5+4] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|4+3|:17: hit 1d4+7=9 to Ankheg 8HD
10 [1+9] Ankheg (8 HD) :13-|2|:-: 2d4=7 (acid) to Gimar
11 [6+5] Nicola Mace :18-|2+2|:4: miss
17 [8+9] Ankheg (7 HD) :13-|-2|:16: hit 3d6=13 to Jaron

Dollin There's two more down in the hole, they look like young ones.
Jaron Just keep them from attacking us - I think we have these two handled.
Nicola Make that three.
Gimar (Emerging from the Ankheg) I've got that one. Aim for the underside!

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|2+4|:11: hit 1d6+4=6, slaying Ankheg 8HD
 0 [1-3+2] Rheaphylander Dagger :17-|2|:15: hit 1d3=3, slaying Ankheg 8HD
 6 [1+5] Nicola Mace :18-|4+2|:11: miss
 9 [5+4] Gimar Thrown H.Axe :13-|4+3|:9: hit, slaying Ankheg 6HD
11 [8-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :15-|4+2|:17:  1d12+4=10 to Ankheg 7HD
12 [9-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :15-|4+2|:6: miss
16 [7+9] Ankheg (3 HD) :16-|6|:15: hit (acid stream) 4d4=10 to Wed

Gimar's thrown axe caused a deafening thunderclap, louder than the one from Little John's battlestaff from weeks earlier. Rheaphlynder, Nicola, Dollin and Little John ran in sheer terror from the incredible noise. Wed, hit full on by a stream of acid from the young Ankheg's mandibles, pumped it full of magic missiles, while Gimar and Jaron surveyed the remains of the battle.

Gimar It looks like they're all dead or run away.
Jaron It looks like they're all dead.
Gimar Jaron, stop shouting.
Jaron What's that? I can't hear you. Where's everyone else?
Wed Gimar, that's a heck of an attack you've got there. This one's chitinous covering seems to have turned to . . . jelly.

Gimar only smiled in response. Jaron and Little John's hearing returned after several minutes, and Rheaphlyndar and Nicola returned after the fear effect wore off. All the way back they were making jokes about Gimar's usual fight or flight reflex.

Wed (washing out his acid coated cloak) Where's Dollin?
Nicola He ran a different way than me, that's for sure.
Rheaphlyndar I might be able to track him a little.
Dollin Down here!
Jaron Did somebody hear something? My ears are still ringing.
Dollin Down here!
Gimar Is that an Ankheg with you?
Dollin Yes, one of the young ones. I managed to speak to him a little. Hey, throw me a rope why don't ya?
Nicola That must have been a stimulating conversation.
Dollin (climbing from the hole) Well, no, but I did learn something. He and his family felt compelled to come here.
Nicola I always said there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe.
Rheaphlyndar Are those holes big enough for me?
Dollin Yup.
Rheaphlyndar (Diving into the hole) Hello, treasure!

Read the preceding or succeeding episode, or return to the index.

Typographical Conventions
Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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Quote: Mike