Episode 49

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 6th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 6th Level (PC)
Dollin - Druid 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 3rd Level (NPC)
Locale Dyvers
Date 2nd day of Wealsun, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time morning

The party voted as one to accept the quest and get Little John's restoration underway. The next morning they met with the high priest first thing, as a group.

As the biscuits waited for their audience with Barmanos Sarnfar, Gimar noticed a mirror at the end of the hall that had a strange glow. The party approached it, and the surface began to change.

Instead of the reflection of a dwarven warrior, the scenes of a great battle appeared. This battle was obviously not going well for the defenders, as wave after wave of troops pounded the walls, guided by black robed spellcasters. Upon closer inspection, the troops were all varieties of humanoids.

Breaches appeared in the walls and the troops poured through, slaughtering and burning everything in their path. Above the hopeless battle, the sun was eclipsed by a bleeding skull.

Barmanos I am never really sure who sends me that last image.
Gimar We are here to help your cause.
Barmanos Pelor showed me it would be so.
Wed What scene is this?
Barmanos That is the city of Critwall, in the Shield Lands, and it was lost early in the war for lack of defenders. Like most cities, it held a temple to Pelor. When the city fell, I lost all contact with the High Priest.
Nicola And this mirror?
Barmanos A powerful item. In the past, I've used it to scry the events in neighboring lands, and receive omens and visions from Pelor. But now this battle scene is all I can see.
Dollin I take it this is one of the omens, then.
Barmanos The role of the dreamer is to accept his dreams.
Little John (interrupting) You mentioned a relic?
Barmanos Yes, there was an item of great good located in the temple. A small fountain of bright gold that can heal wounds and cure poison.
Rheaphlyndar Surely you don't want us to bring back a whole fountain?
Barmanos It is only three feet high, and it weighs about thirty pounds. The magic works for any who possess it, so if it were to fall into evil hands . . .
Jaron We will do our best. But Critwall is still held by the Old One!
Barmanos Ah, and Pelor works in mysterious ways. We have recently received word that a small band of mercenaries gave themselves up near there, and they had quite a story to tell.

Barmanos relayed what he knew of the scheme, and how the mercenary party was to enter the town as merchants of trade, selling goods that were actually poisoned.

Barmanos Apparently whoever concocted this plan would then ride into the city three days later, "discover" the problem and the purveyors, and send a report of how they saved Critwall to the capital.
Gimar Sounds pretty devious.
Barmanos Obviously some faction wants to defame General Atur Rehmat, the military governor of Critwall. It doesn't matter to me which faction that is, because this provides us with a golden opportunity to slip a small party in unnoticed.
Jaron Have you questioned the mercenaries further?
Barmanos They wished to exchange this information for asylum and their lives, but some powerful magic was placed on them. As soon as they gave up their items to us, they died quite gruesome deaths. We have had no success in contacting their souls, either.
Rheaphlyndar Undercover sounds good to me. When do we leave?
Barmanos The journal is on its way, and should arrive late tomorrow. That will give me enough time to attempt the restoration on your friend here. There is apparently a schedule contained within, so haste is of the utmost importance.
Nicola What of entering the city?
Dollin I have a feeling that Rheaphlyndar and I may be able to help in that regard.
Gimar You'll have to lose that golden armor, big guy.

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 6th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 6th Level (PC)
Dollin - Druid 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 6th Level (NPC)
Locale Dyvers
Date 4th day of Wealsun, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time midday

The biscuits spent the next two days acquiring disguises and preparing for their quest. On Godsday they returned to the temple, and a tired Barmanos met them again in his office.

Barmanos Here is the journal. Your group must enter the town tomorrow. I can put you in Herechel, which is across the river somewhat from Critwall. Our priests there have booked you passage on a small boat, the Scagbane. Once in the city, you must find the temple and retrieve the fountain. We will arrange for a ship to meet you at dawn on Freeday, the 7th of Wealsun. Good luck, and Pelor's light shine upon your path.

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Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
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Quote: John