Episode 58
Nicola Does Some Rewarding Work

The Biscuits Nicola - Cleric 6th Level (PC)
Locale Northside of Northbank
Date 25th day of Wealsun, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time dusk

While Gimar was busy with the business of his estate, Nicola had spent her first day in Northbank shopping. But, like all small towns, the pickings were limited.

Nicola Sure is small compared to Dyvers. Chendl too for that matter. Maybe I should have gone to Greyhawk?

The next day she wandered out towards the new construction, in the run-down part of the city. Mayaheine was originally a worshipper of Pelor, or so the cosmology went, and this temple would certainly help the poor and downtrodden. The priestess made up her mind and found the foreman.

Nicola So, need any help?
Gnomish Contractor Name's Glareon. You don't look much for heavy lifting . . .

Glareon tossed a brick her way, and Nicola surprised herself by catching it deftly.

Glareon . . . but those reflexes will serve you well. Go talk with Corin, he's just over there.

The gnome indicated a tall human whose back was turned. He wore tall leather boots and workmans' pants, and his cotton tunic was bound at the waist by a belt; as he turned, she saw that the buckle bore the insignia of the Northbank Town Watch. His dark hair was cut medium length, and his face was clean shaven.

Corin Hey, welcome to the holy temple. Or, it will be someday, anyhow.
Nicola From small beginnings come great works, or so they say. I'm Nicola Machiavelli.
Corin Pleased to meet you, Nicola. My names Corin Elster.

Together they worked for the rest of the day on the new temple. One day fell into another, then one week into the next, and they got to know each other very well.

Corin Hey, Nic, pass me up that hammer.
Nicola Here you go, Cor.

Their building project had been formally blessed back on the 1st, a holiday known as Goodrhys. Now it was nearing completion, and the first service would be held on the morrow, the last Godsday before the Richfest.

Nicola That roof's looking very good.
Corin Hey, if it rains, we can't have it leaking on you.
Nicola Ha! Fat chance of that happening. I had some farmers ask me if Pelor knew any rain dances.
Corin (Laughing) That would make him some sun god.

Corin attended the services the next day. Nicola only sat in, really, joining in a few of the ceremonies and invoking the occasional blessing. After the service she failed to catch up with Corin, so instead she spent the remainder of the day at the seamstresses shop. The weeks of work had left her body tanned and her mind invigorated.

Much later that day, Nicola made an herbal soup for Corin, using some of the spices Dollin had taught her about. She arrived at the guard post just after sunset. Corin stood watch, and as far as Nicola was concerned he looked like a steel sentinel in his polished chain mail.

Corin Halt! Who goes there?
Nicola 'Tis only I, a mere wanderer.
Corin Only one is a wanderer; two together are always going somewhere. May I escort you, fair lady?
Nicola (Blushing slightly) 'Twere not me you were referring to, you rogue. (Smiling) Hey, I made you some soup.
Corin Ah, so that's where that delicious aroma is coming from. What a sweet gesture, thank you.
Nicola Say, Cor, have you got a date for the mayor's party?
Corin Mmmmmm, delicious soup. So it's bribery, eh? Very well, I would like to take you to the party.
Nicola (Smiling) Me, coersion? No way, but I'll accept your invitation in the spirit it was given.
Corin (Smiling) Good, it's a date then. I'm looking forward to it.

The Biscuits Yodavan - Mage/Cleric 1st/1st (PC)
Locale Downtown Northbank
Date 28th day of Wealsun, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time late afternoon

Prudence Ah, cousin Yodavan. I trust you've had a good journey?
Yodavan (Speaking slowly) Yes, it was a wonderful trip. This is a very pleasant town.
Prudence (Smirking) You get what you pay for. A while back you expressed an interest in striking out on an adventure. Are you still interested?
Yodavan Yes, interested I am.
Prudence Good, good. It seems an old dwarven friend of mine is in town; he goes by the name of Gimar Axewielder.
Yodavan (Slowly) I would like to meet him.
Prudence He lives just down the road; come on, I'll introduce you.

The two gnomes ambled through the business district. Most of the town's population was inside, staying out of the heat. While they walked, they talked, and Mayor Redstone gave Yodavan an old ring that she had used as an adventurer. Soon they reached the Gimar estate, and knocked at the door. Their tapping was answered by a well-dressed halfling.

Reaver Ah, you must be the mayor. Please come in, Gimar will be down shortly.
Prudence Thank you. You must be Gimar's new estate manager.
Reaver Yep.
Gimar (Walking into the room) Ah, Mayor Redstone, welcome to my humble abode.
Prudence Thank you Mister Axewielder. I've heard about the kegs you brought, I can't wait to try this Banthor's Best.
Gimar You won't be disappointed. And this gentleman is?
Prudence Gimar, I would like you to meet Yodavan Taeryohanlarslojan.
Gimar (Grimacing at the name) Pleased to meet you.
Yodavan (Distinctly) I have heard much about you.
Prudence Yodavan is my distant cousin, by marriage. He is interested in going on an adventure, and I figured you would be just the dwarf to see.

Read the preceding or succeeding episode, or return to the index.

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Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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Quote: Gary